Monday, July 19, 2004


On Friday Ethan was good. He was due to have chemotherapy in the evening with discharge planned for Saturday morning. Nothing was going wrong with the little fella, things were as good as they could be. He was well and the girls were well. I was feeling positive and nothing could burst the bubble...until a phone call from Katie. Katie was looking after the girls. They were at Fountain Gate with ambulance paramedics, Adele had suffered a convulsion (most likey a febrile convulsion). The bubble burst!  After speaking with the paramedics, it was decided to transport her to Monash rather than Dandenong hospital. I would meet them in emergency. At this point I didn't know any details other than she was now breathing.  
Ethan's chemo was due to start. I knew Luke wasn't far but I didn't want it runninig with out someone sitting with him.  I also knew he would want to see Adele. I didn't know what to do.  A big thanks to Mon and Kerry for helping out.  Much appreciated.
In emergency a febrile convulsion was confirmed. Adele's heart rate, breathing rate and temp were high and an ear infection was diagnosed to be the cause. After some medication to bring the temperature down and some monitoring we were free to go home.  All was well.  Erin who had witnessed the three minute convulsion wasn't doing as well. She was very scared and didn't want Adele to die. 
On 41N, Ethan's chemo went to plan. He would be able to go in the morning.  I wasn't holding my breath, nothing goes to plan! On Saturday morning Ethan was fine. He had bad thrush and his nappy rash was bleeding but could go with creams and drugs. We had to wait for pharmacy  for the  cream and medications and at lunchtime we were discharged.
Erin was very happy. Her family was one. We went to Yarragon for the night and  Sunday arvo was spent at home. It was good to be home with out the pressure of Ethan being sick.  I can't remember the last time we were all home as a family.  The kids enjoyed themselves and it was good to have them laughing and playing together.  We have a day oncology appointment tomorrow. The oncologists will discuss Ethan's plan and decide whether he needs the other chemotherapy drug. Hopefully this goes to plan and we can spend the rest of the week at home.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear L, J, E, E & A, , May all your future Sundays (and every other day for that matter) be no different to the one just passed. And may your running log be just an early chapter in Ethan's life somewhere between the wonder of his birth and his days in retirement. HIs resilience and your strength will prove to be the best treatment of all. More than just goodluck to you all.