Saturday, October 20, 2007

Day 9 and 10

Day 9
Ethan continued to slowly improve. He wasn't spiking fevers but was still having the ups and downs as if he was. Walking around the ward with physio was easier. I spoke to the cardiac doctors about transferring to Monash Hospital where his respiratory team works but we have decided this is not an option at the moment. Our cardiac doctor wants us at the kids and so does his respiratory doctor!! Hopefully by the time it is an option we will be able to go home.

A Thomas balloon arrived via the post from Leisa and Adam. It cheered his day. I took this opportunity to discuss their wedding and that he wouldn't be going. He was upset but the balloon was more exciting and he quickly forgot.

Chest x-ray - still has pneumonia
Echo - all good.
Bloods - Low albumin. This is a protein which holds fluid in the vascular system so he is looking a little puffy at the moment. This should pick up as his diet does.

Day 10
In the morning yesterday he was up walking and playing. Showing more signs of his happy self. In the afternoon Aunty Mon and Uncle Marcus sat with him while we went to Leisa and Adam's wedding. From all reports I believe the big issues were with his intake and output. Hopefully we can get onto this today.

Over the last couple of days we have also had issues with him being rude to the staff. He is trying to say he's had enough and that he doesn't want them touching him but he comes out with "I don't like you", "Your stupid" or he just grunts and makes gestures at them. I have tried to teach him the appropriate words but it's difficult. I even started walking out of the room when he was not being nice and then coming back after he settled to teach him the correct words and behaviour. This seemed to work best but hard to do.

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